Tag Archives: movies


Tonight Greg and I went to go see Persepolis the movie based on the graphic novels by Marjane Satrapi, which was really really good. So if you get a chance to see it, do so.

But the highlight of my night was when the ticket guy was checking our tickets he said,

“Enjoy your thing.”

Can You Hand Me My Advent Calendar?—It’s Time To Party

I feel like I’ve hit this very ritualistic pattern (redundant, forgive me) in my life. I wake up, I take a shower, I make some jokes, I check my email, I read Perez, I read some book of the moment (currently it’s The Audacity of Hope), I watch some tv, either get on a bus or the metro, and I either go to school or work, where I deal with the bullshit of humanity and suffocate with distress; then I go home and watch a movie, read a bit, eat a little, and fall asleep. And it never stops.

I just finally finished with my first semester of “college,” no matter how people may deny it but its true, it’s not like the big four year schools, it’s just not. And although I was slightly underwhelmed by my course load, and just a little unimpressed by the teachers I had (I hope for the better this semester), I made some very nice friends, and have had quite a few laughs along the way. And I also met a few assholes.

Work has just been alright. I enjoy what I do, and enjoy the people whom I work with for the most part. Except for one. Oh, except for one. I’ll give details away later. She’s quite the blog and a half, I tell you.

Greg burnt his thumb, that’s about the most exciting thing that has happened to me this past week, I don’t mean I enjoyed his burn-rather that it was the most eventful thing this week.

And I finally saw Superbad. I told you I was watching a bunch of movies.

How can the train be lost?

Finally saw “The Darjeeling Limited” tonight with Greg. I have loved all of Wes Anderson‘s movies, and although this was not as great as say, Rushmore. It was absolutely beautiful.

If you have not seen it yet, please do so.